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Installing Laminated Floor

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is a cost-effective alternative to solid or engineered wood, offering a modern and stylish look without the high upfront cost.

What is Laminate Flooring?

Laminate flooring consists of a high-density fibreboard (HDF) base topped with a laminated image that mimics the appearance of real wood. It is easy to install and maintain, highly scratch-resistant, and provides the aesthetic appeal of real wood.

Benefits of Laminate Flooring

  1. Cost-Effective: Laminate flooring offers a budget-friendly alternative to solid or engineered wood.

  2. Easy to Maintain: Simple to clean and highly resistant to scratches, making it a practical choice for busy households.

  3. Allergy-Friendly: Unlike carpets, laminate flooring does not harbour allergens, making it a healthier option for allergy sufferers.

  4. Realistic Appearance: Mimics the look and feel of real wood without the associated maintenance concerns or costs.

  5. Wide Range of Styles: Available in various classic styles to complement any home décor.

Why Choose Laminate Flooring for Your Home?

  • Affordable Quality: Provides a low-cost yet high-quality alternative to carpet.

  • Health Benefits: Ideal for those with allergies, as it does not trap dust or allergens.

  • Versatile Design: Offers a variety of styles to match your existing décor and personal taste.

For high-quality laminate flooring installation, contact us today!

We Offer


We can install many different types of wood flooring which include, hardwood, laminate, parquet and engineered wood. 

We can also clad existing staircases with a variety of finishes. 


We offer repairs to existing floors, such as refixing loose boards or blocks.

We can also provide insurance quotations for a small fee which can either be reclaimed from your insurance or deducted from the cost of the job.


We have a lot of experience with refurbishing wood flooring. We sand existing floors then finish them to your specification which can include, varnish, oil or wax. 

We also offer an aftercare and maintenance pack.

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