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Solid Wood

Solid wood flooring consists of one solid plank of wood, typically featuring a tongue and groove or click system for easy installation.

The Timeless Appeal of Solid Wood Flooring

When professionally installed, solid wood flooring can bring a timeless quality to any living space. Available in a wide range of styles, it enhances your existing décor and can transform an average room into a vibrant, inviting space.


Easy Maintenance and Allergy-Friendly

Solid wood flooring is simple to maintain and offers a great alternative to carpet, particularly for those with allergies. Its smooth surface makes it easy to clean, which is especially beneficial for homes with pets or children.


Why Choose Solid Wood Flooring for Your Property?

  1. Safe and Durable: Solid wood flooring is a no-hassle, durable alternative to carpet, ideal for allergy sufferers.

  2. Easy to Clean: Perfect for households with pets or children, solid wood flooring is simple to keep clean.

  3. Versatile Design: Customize the width and thickness of the planks to achieve a rustic or polished look.

  4. Long-Lasting: With regular maintenance, solid wood flooring can last for decades.

  5. Wide Range of Styles: Choose from various styles and finishes to perfectly match each room in your home.

  6. Multiple Installation Options: Installation methods include secret nailing over joists, glue-down, and floating.


Installation Options for Solid Wood Flooring

Solid wood flooring offers flexible installation options to suit your needs:

Over Joists with Secret Nailing

Glue Down


For high-quality solid wood flooring installation, contact us today!

We Offer


We can install many different types of wood flooring which include, hardwood, laminate, parquet and engineered wood. 

We can also clad existing staircases with a variety of finishes. 


We offer repairs to existing floors, such as refixing loose boards or blocks.

We can also provide insurance quotations for a small fee which can either be reclaimed from your insurance or deducted from the cost of the job.


We have a lot of experience with refurbishing wood flooring. We sand existing floors then finish them to your specification which can include, varnish, oil or wax. 

We also offer an aftercare and maintenance pack.

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